Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A very VERY modest proposal: For preventing the middle class of America from being a burden to the Banks and Federal Government

It is indeed melancholy to drive our economically sensible SUVs down the main street of modern America and see foreclosure signs, beggars on the streets who at one point in time may have held highly esteemed occupations, senseless violence, over 40 million+ Americans on food stamps, and indeed very long breadlines as people scramble to make daily ends meet.

I think it is agreed by all parties that the unsustainable amount of debt, insolvent banks, and bankrupt federal government is the root cause of the strife and daily despair experienced by Americans all over this great nation. It should, without a doubt, be the common goal of the people to find an inexpensive and sustainably sound solution to this crisis. I believe that I have found a simple solution that would transform all citizens into preservers of this great nation.

My solution is far from only providing ease to the bankers, financial elite, and federal government. As we can see now, according to statements recently released by the Federal Reserve, our economy is on a path for modest growth thanks to the unprecedented intervention and stimulus in the markets by said central bank. Quantitative easing has worked wonders, as newly non industrial and non productive jobs have started reemerging and are now available to the general public. The reality is, this is truly not enough to ease the despair and hopelessness many American's are experiencing.

My mind has wondered for many year in how to deal with this grossly outrageous situation that we the citizens have put ourselves in. But this morning, I woke up and was enlightened by an idea that was available to any and all citizens that have a pulse, the credit card!

In the past, the credit card was only used to buy things that the citizens could not afford but really wanted. As real wages have steadily decreased, consumers turned to debt instead to continue down the road of a very high standard of completely sustainable living. When the prices of commodities and assets went up, while wages decreased and only decreased, it only made sense to continue the consumption binge with this debt. How can a person live without Ipads and not watching dancing with the stars on a 50 inch flat screen TV in high definition when it was completely out of their budget?

However, it is with a very melancholy tone that I announce that this completely sustainable lifestyle has hit a brick wall, because for some reason, people are losing their jobs and houses. It is in the job of the citizen to not question why this has hit a brick wall, but listen to our political demagogues and mainstream media that to get out of this crisis, we must spend our way out.

However, my new brilliant scheme is much more productive that just buying these much needed and extremely necessary assets with debt to grow our economy. Instead, we the people can use our credit cards to directly pay the Treasury Department through this website generously provided by the Federal Government. https://www.pay.gov/paygov/forms/formInstance.html?agencyFormId=23779454. Notice that on this website, there is a function in which you can pay off the national debt with your credit card! According to my research and analysis, the average American has roughly 10 credit cards. If we all band together, and in no due time, the national debt can be paid off if we all max our credit card simultaneously! No more talk of raising the debt ceiling, no more foreclosures, no more unemployment, only the continuation of our highly sustainable standard of living is the result!

note: please make sure you use a credit card that is attached to a too big to fail bank or financial entity to avoid any issues. As a last result we can always ask China for help.

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